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Bumble About
Help Bumble The Bee collect nectar for the hive whilst avoiding the unfriendly garden spiders. Bumble flies towards the mouse pointer as quickly as possible. First collect the airborne pollen then collect nectar from the flowers and take it to the hive door. Collect all available nectar to complete a level. The more nectar Bumble delivers to the hive at once the more points are scored...but the more Bumble carries the slower Bumble flies. Avoid the unfriendly garden spiders. They'll make Bumble drop what Bumble is carrying - or even worse kill Bumble. The game is over when Bumble runs out of nectar to collect or when he hits a spider whilst not carrying any pollen or nectar.
Contoare: 636/14
Info+ | Bibliotecă este un termen provenit din combinaţia termenilor greceşti: biblos(carte) şi theke (cufăr). Se poate referi atât la o colecţie privată, cât şi, de cele mai multe ori, la colecţii mari, deţinute şi administrate de diverse instituţii. |
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